The Truth About Memory Foam

Throw out all those old wives tales and myths. You're going to discover the truth about memory foam.

Memory foam has made its way into our lives in a big way, and thankfully so.

Along with the surge in sales comes a lot of misinformation—not necessarily lies or intentional misleading, but confusing to say the least.

In this article I'll set out to dispel some myths and deliver the goods on memory foam so you can select the best memory foam mattress with confidence.

Memory foam came into our lives as a result of the NASA-manned space flight technology, but I've never seen any evidence that this material ever actually made it into a manned space capsule that entered into space. It was developed and tested for that use but seems to have been unsuited in the long run.

That said, it doesn't matter what memory foam didn't do for astronauts in space. We're going to concentrate on what it's done for people in their everyday lives.

Did you know that millions of people now sleep on memory foam mattresses and claim all kinds of health benefits from doing so?

In my own case, it relieved pain in the small of my back along with sciatic nerve pain.

The thing that makes this stuff so comfortable is it's ability to "melt" away from your body as you lie down on it.

Think, for a minute, about springs in a mattress. When you lie down, you're in a contest of will. You want the springs to compress under you and the springs don't want to—so you fight with them all night and when you rise from your mattress, they instantly spring back up to where they were before.

Compare this with the picture of a hand above a memory foam mattress and the hand print is still there. This tells you that the mattress had moved out of your way and allowed your body to impress its shape into the mattress.

Only after you got out of bed did the mattress slowly resume it's normal shape. That's a huge difference in how mattresses work, isn't it?

Your mattress wasn't fighting with you all night trying to "get back to normal."

You see, the truth about memory foam is that its very user-friendly and it is much more suitable for a sleep surface than anything else in all creation.

When it comes to selecting the right mattress for you or maybe you and your spouse, you must know some essentials about what makes up quality foam.

I regularly counsel people on how to buy a great memory foam mattress or topper and it's just not that complicated.

The main things you need to consider:

  1. Country of origin of the foam
  2. The density of it
  3. The thickness of the memory foam itself, that's on top of the mattress

Of course, there are other things to consider such as:

  1. The weight of the heaviest person who will sleep on the mattress
  2. Your sleeping positions: back, side, stomach or a mixture
  3. Your preference in firmness or plushness or in between

With these things in mind, you now know the truth about memory foam mattresses.
