Memory Foam Bed Review

This memory foam bed review is meant to help you discover the keys to selecting the mattress that's absolutely right for you.

There are lots of memory foam mattresses out there these days, and it becomes difficult for most of us to separate the hype from the truth.

I've covered the basics in this review so you'll know what makes up a good memory foam product.

In the early days of memory foam mattresses, there was only one company and they only made one model of memory foam mattress so it wasn't too difficult to choose which one you were going to buy. It was that one or nothing.

Nowadays, there are hundreds of choices and the average consumer has no idea of where to start in sorting out the facts.

If you're in that predicament, read carefully.

Within a couple of minutes it takes you to read this article your chances of coming out a winner in this process will be greatly increased.

First, you want to check into the source of the foam that a manufacturer is getting their raw materials from because foreigh foams don't have the stringent regulations imposed on them that American foam companies do.

Foreign foams can contain formaldehyde, CFCs or any number of harmful chemicals that could be detrimental to your health.

These other chemicals cause odors known as off-gassing and sometimes they will last indefinitely leaving you feeling like you're sleeping on limberger cheese.

You should also take care to check into the density of the foam that is being used to make your potential mattress.

5 lb. density is considered to be the best for support of the human body. 4 lb. density is the minimum you would want to consider and it should be priced very much more reasonably than the denser foam mattresses.

A 4 lb. density memory foam mattress would be a great, less expensive way to check if you like memory foam before buying something more expensive.

It could also be a great investment in a youth bed because of the support it gives being so critical to youngsters in the growth phase.

Next you want to consider how much of the mattress is actually made from memory foam.

A 14-inch mattress may not necessarily have more memory foam than a 12" mattress so you want to know how much of the top layer is made up of memory foam.

If you weigh ovef 200 lbs you definitely want a mattress with at least 3-1/2 to 4 iches of memory foam, especially if you sleep on your stomach or side.

This memory foam bed review was meant to give you the bare essentials to consider when buying a memory foam mattress.
